5sZhong Class Mag..
Its really like a physics textbook..
But have a hard cover...
Finally got it leh~
And most of them like got a new virus..
Then the 3 periods only reading it...
Anyway.. Kinda happy also..
Coz... what we planned for already completed..
And thanks for those who help..
And year end can spend my time reading it lo~
I really have some feelings after i got it..
Just feel like many ppl will be leaving..
Quite 舍不得...
13 days left to SPM..
Ohya.. yesterday night did sth really damn weird..
Guess what?
I was studying at 1st..
Then 10 o'clock i walked out..
And next??
I went into the toilet to wash my hair..
I've gone crazy~
Somehow.. when i see the class mag..
Feel like crying leh..
I dun want u guys to leave..
And when we sing the class theme..
Its more sad lar..
anyway.. as long as i go to school this few days..
I'll appreciate it..
The time with u guys..
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