人都走了...剩下的.. 只是回忆...
再去Time Square 看High School Musical 3- Senior Year
i wan watch de video...when start de ar...dat 1 peichee got act n douniu de a...post at utube ya...n i wil go ur blog 2 watch..thx!!
juinwei wearing de hat veli cute!!!
Damn sad... Why am i not in it??? DARN!
Lol... Ur class video damn funny><
yaya.. there it is.. at the bottom of the post mar~
haha.. he really looks cute with that hat.. chui ting must will love him again.. haha ^^
cj:- u din even come.. haiz..
心淡了啦~ haha..
just joking lar.. u are in last year's video.. haha^^
how i come jek? I got Muet test lah..
End at 1... Haiz.. want to come oso cant.. Wah.. ><
cool.. fast reply! haha.. oh..
How bout ur finals? ended?
huiyo dam yeng video
the words part too fast i can't read=.=
wah the beginning(like metal gear solid lol) yeng~~ the song sounds familiar...
My last paper is on wednesday le.. After tat den damn free already! haah..
that song is "break the sword of justice" from Final Fantasy XII OST.. haha... coz when i was choosing tracks.. i was listening to that ost.. haha^^
no wonder lar=.=
wah chia jie gonna finish finals so quickly... >.<
good luck anyway chia jie~~
哈哈虽然你叫我把昨天的 comments 留到今天写,不过哎哟讲过的东西在讲过就不爽啦。
video 真的很棒很棒,我觉得是那么多班最好的咯!精彩有趣,闷的地方一点都没有,不是因为有认识的人,有些就算有自己的短片也是很闷吓得,所以真的是制作者的功力啦!开心吧?
我觉得你们的高三一年来的日子真的没有白过到!一幕幕的请景,虽然我没有机会参与到,不过还是让人变得 emo.. 在光前堂看着的时候, ahma 和我突然很感伤,不停地后悔去年选择离开的决定呵呵。
恭喜你们毕业了哦!梦想已久脱离痛苦的生活。。中学的友情是最宝贵的 =) 日后好好加油咯!
can u upload the video to some website for ppl download ( in other format, flash video quality very bad if compare with others)
then everyone can download it!
oh, do we really have to graduate..
can i....forget this fact?
bb amy~~
Coyin:- Haha.. u r so cute! Muacks! Love ya! I was so worry that the video so.. dam boring or sth... n.. i don't even dare to see it again at first..
kbjgxlm:- wah.. u want me how o?
i leave the comp on for whole night to upload already wor.. 800MB u know?
David a.k.a. amy zai:-
i hope that i can forget the fact and keep staying in Chong Hwa..
and have another 6 years sec life again..
but the fact is.. u graduated!!!
great editting. :)
flash video needs 800mb?
Yays I love the video...
Hey but I still want it!
Send to me someday
joshual, shan, chun:-
THANKS A LOT! love u!
kbjgxlm:- Its original file is .avi
and.. 800MB for it is consider quite small if render from that program d..
muhahaha i oredi hav da video... those who dun hav pls dun b jealous..
n ho...
is tat really from xii ost...??
how come i din heard tat b4...
during da whole game n i got those ost oso le><
^^ anyway....
i think ours are da most brilliant n interesting 1 tat day...
we are oredi graduate!!
how come... aiz
miss all of u leh...
wondering why you have the ori one?
the more ori one is with me.. keke! ^^
even the program there de file, haven't render one is with me.. haha!!!
hui yo....
so geng wan ar....
who cares...
who's justice?
aduh i think starfish a, u shud repost this post in cls blog! It's frozen aaaa
the Xii ost means final fantasy xii ost?
btw, starfish u have the really original one, rite? (havent modified by school staff)
and justice has the one that we watched
justice is your friend
nope, justice that one is a bit older than that one u all see de lar.. coz, that one i pass it up then the assistant want me to edit something.. hehe ^^
btw, the assistant din edit anything lar.. only i did..
FF Xii ost lor.. abuthen?
Coyin:- Sorry ar.. i go post now.. hehe^^ coz that day post together with photos here mar
didnt invite me to steamboat la..............................................................................
where is ur house?
ur house at serdang,rite?
of coz they dun invite u lah
i live in kepong oso didnt go leh
they didnt invite other ppl bcoz:
some ppl have $$ problem( like me^^)
some ppl have exam (spm)
some ppl lazy
some ppl's house far away
kylim, i did told u that morning.. haha ^^
i din call others too.. =.="
wow!! the video was ~~ bravo!!!
walau last few posts so few comments...
this post dam lot~~
very very geng!!
so many comments!!!
now 35 comments edi la~~!
i m the 36th. congratulate for making such a great video. at last u did it, right?
xeleon:- ur comment really cute ^^
yup.. aiyo.. thanks joanne n qiqi for lending me their ears when i'm really angry n pissed off doing such things...
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