Thursday, July 17, 2008

the most valuable lesson..

We really had a very educational bio lesson
its all about life.. 
We went to the lab for a video clip about abortion
that's our choice that agree watching that
although we know that that's really disgusting
but then still looking forward to it
and then.. the clip starts..
which it explains the procedure of abortion
it sucks! what's the difference between it n murdering someone?
Imagine how i small embryo being crashed into pieces?
i forced myself to watch the whole clip, but then i almost started to cry.
"Life is a miracle, its beautiful, its priceless"
Tell your daddy n mummy that you love them as they did not decide to give up a small life 17 to 18 years ago..


Oyico said...

I'm n abortion supporter though.

Anonymous said...

Haha so ngam I just completed a survey by one of my friends on abortion...
I've some rather contradictory views on abortion
Well I dunno but I don't view an embryo as a human life yet
But I don't support people having abortions, for the sake of their future
But if worse comes to worse, either find a person who is willing to accept the baby or just abort it if u urself seriously cannot take care of it

Anonymous said...

im extremely hate those who having abortion!!!!!!!!
life is the precious thing
how come those ppl can do it??
im thinking for a long time after watching it
no matter how hard is it, we cannot give up bcoz life is the precious thing in the world

Oyico said...

Have you guys watched juno?
it's about teen pregnancy haha quite funny actually..

All against abortion?
Seriously, should a teenage girl, probably only 17, who got raped and unfortunately got pregnant, bear the responsibility of raising a child and spending her remaining entire life worrying about her own flesh?

Should a teen, mayb the same age as u, who made a mistake when she was young or was used by her boyfriend, carry the burden of taking care of a child and couldn't get a husband for the rest of her life, not because the other boys don't love her, but in reality it's only because the boys' families wouldn't let them marry a girl who has a baby at the age of 18?
Why should a baby who has no hands and legs at all be bornt and endure the bitterness and helplessness of life?
There are too many different kinds of situations that might occur in life that it is not up to us to criticise others about their involvement in abortion.

In my opinion, yes, life is precious. Everyone has the right to live. Nobody has the right to end his own life, certainly not others as well.
Yet, for the greater good, sometimes you have to look at the whole picture.
If a girl who got raped, or even got pregnant for being naive when she was young, chose to be the VERY LOVING & CARING PERSON who wouldn't want to control a person's right to live, couldn't continue college or further studies but instead, have to work 2 jobs at a time to support her child, sleeping only 3 hours each day so her child could grow up happily without having to eat only 2 meals per day, living in a low cost apartment with her child, leaving her child alone at home and taking the risks of people breaking in or harming the child only because she has no extra money to get a babysitter, leaving her child by himself when it comes to school stuff, or having a child who is ashamed to speak about his family, especially when he has no daddy while everyone has a dad to drive them to school everyday, yes, the child might live, the child might be a good person and be useful one day, or the child might accidentally get himself associated with bad gangs in school to seek fatherly protection and spoil his whole life, is it worth it?

Or if the very same girl was decisive and cruel enough to take away her child's life, going on with her life, going into college and university, get a masters degree, become a teacher/counselor, find a good boyfriend and marrying him, earning enough money to provide a middle class life and living in a double-storey life, having two kids and is able to spend time with them to teach them valuable moral attitudes everyday, looking at the kids getting good results in school and going into university, one becomes a successful businessman who provides scholarships to teenagers in the country and one becomes a doctor who helps rural villagers living in absolute poverty, contributing to the society as much as they can, and the girl live happily ever after with her dear darlings, is that not a better choice?

The former destroyed 2 people's lives, and the latter destroyed 1 innocent person's life, but created 4 happy members of the society who help to make others lives even better.

I am sure most of the people who has chosen abortion have been in a serious dilemma before taking the move. If you ever have friends who have done something like that, (yes, i know someone who have done that before) give her full support instead of commenting her action so she can live her life to her fullest and not have wasted a life in vain.

kiDDiE said...

i guess the truth one....i one should ever waste a human life.....just think about it.....i guess u can say that an embryo is not considered a being yet....just a random mass of cells.....but..what about an abortion concerning a nine month old foetus??can that still be taken into account???kinda contravenes with tat an embryo is not a human life theory... doesnt it???

.::Starfish::. said...

firstly, shan, its been years since i saw ur comments.. hehe ^^
yup, i don't think that an embryo is a human life yet also, but if you saw the whole abortion, you would really think that its cruel.

and kbjgxlm, i really can't imagine how the doctor's who did that feels.. they are killing lives..
anyway, don't give up no matter how harsh ur life is..

coyin, its your turn.. wow.. long!
"Seriously, should a teenage girl, probably only 17, who got raped and unfortunately got pregnant, bear the responsibility of raising a child and spending her remaining entire life worrying about her own flesh?"
this one i agree for abortion,
since thats not what she will to do for. she's forced to.

"Should a teen, mayb the same age as u, who made a mistake when she was young or was used by her boyfriend" or "being naive when she was young
in my opinion, if they choosed to do that, they should have the responsibility and pay the price if they really get pregnented.

but if you said that if the parents know that the baby is disable or sth, then they have the rights to choose whether to give birth to him or just abort it.

Anonymous said...

a matter of teleology and deontology... depends on the situation

Amy 仔 said...

Well, i also thought of the contradictions that would be aroused, i also talked to my brother about this..
the conclusion all roots to the importance of moral education, why spend so much time thinking of useless(not really, but sometimes..) contradictions, why dont we start to look into "morality"..seriously, that clip made my thought of becoming a teacher stronger.

as for those who were "not thinking maturely", that was why we are always asking everyone to be careful and think carefully.

ya, what if you know the baby would be deaf or blind or limbless or this and that before it is born...?
kill it, because it's not complete.
kill it, because it embarasses you.
kill it, because it burdens you.
kill it, because you think that he or she would live a bitter life..ya, you think, you thought..
from a buddhist point of view, whatever happens to oneself is all about karmic retribution, you are what you did, ending one's life doesnt decrease one's suffering more or less, you may think.."ya, i end his life so he wouldnt suffer for a longer time"..
you thought are not alleviating the child's suffering, you may be intensifying, once you are pregnant, that thing in you is with life, dont say dumb stuff like wait for it to have heartbeat or whatever.
to be more specific, you are just sending that foetus to hell(in buddhism, when you die with hatred or anger, you will terus go to hell) are just creating more hatred in the baby..

ya, there are some really tough contradictions, like what if it is "something something" pregnancy..(zi gong wai yun)?then it is your choice, nothing can be completely solved by have two choices, you die with the baby, or let it die..

by the way, maybe some of you who support abortion had never seen what is "real abortion"...where the baby is cut into pieces before being taken our of the mother, a couple of days ago, meng khen accidentally poked a piece of "bi xin" into my finger, i was shaking when i tried to put in the needle to dig is over it..

and by the way again, those doctors who had done numerous abortion operation, all hated abortion, and resigned their job after two years, the one who was showing us the fact about abortion, was the one who fought for legalization of abortion in America, and guess what, he succeeded, and now?

a KL dude said...

hmm,everyone written so long...
i saw the abortion too
i must say,its quite interesting
the meat was pulled out piece by piece,limb from limb from the mother's vagina,and finally the spine and the head.some of the so-called brain juice just sprayed out from there.
yaya,i know.its a little disgusting and scary(i think i'll have chicken 2day...),but its reality.i don't support or hate abortion.its the person's decision that counts.
find a person to accept the baby...
you do know its illegal to sell babies...?
and i found out that you all will say:"life is the most precious thing in the whole wide world."yeah,say that infront of a butcher,and he will say:"money is the most precious thing in the world." anyway,even when you say abortion is totaly wrong,i can't say that's true.a little word of advice.clever people solve problems,geniuses prevent them.wth,bring a condom with want to be rape n get pregnant or u want 2 prevent that.or u can bring a pepper spray n hide it and alwys bring along side with you.
when you say that WE SHOULD NOT WASTE HUMAN LIVES,it just make me laugh.ohya,we human of cause will support humans.but think of what you have just now at recess.its a chicken lying there.its a mother that gave birth to small cute little chikky.its also a living u can waste other living things life but just can't waste human's.its abit selfish,doesn't it?and living things includes greenery.
u say a baby witout a limb is a baby with misery?that's just same with :"im too ugly,i will never get married"if u teach them with a right method n giv them a better than begging other people for food aim,they too can kick those athelete's ass.and who say after abortion,the girl will get a chance of beautiful life...what if the life witout that baby is much more worse?cant b pregnant anymore,scary nightmare about the abortion,anything could happen.always trust that there is a way out,there is always a second chance. seeks fatherly protection...well,i dont seek him for help.but i do seek him when i need someone 2 sign my report card.actualy,mother's affection is much more greater than the father's...(a bit sad...)
omg,the dota game is about to start~bb~

Blogque said...


I am not anti supporter nor support for an abortion. Maybe during teenager or early stage of 20's, many of them thinking that abortion probably cruel things that has been done. But boys and girls, welcome to real world.

You never and havent as Dad or Mom yet. You never know how much responsibility of a parent to bear for it.Many people will think a child can be raised easily. But you never know, they will need education, maybe illness, accident. For me, if you're not ready as Dad or Mom, dont take a risk to become 'hero'.

For your information, an abortion will give an side effect to the female. Especially for them they are higher risk to get Cervical Cancer.

Atom said...

coyin: its so many words in one sentence!

Seriously, should a teenage girl, probably only 17, who got raped and unfortunately got pregnant, bear the responsibility of raising a child and spending her remaining entire life worrying about her own flesh?
imo, this is the worst sad case...
no matter wad the victim try to do
she'll hurt herself at the end, physically and mentally.

.::Starfish::. said...

kinda shocked when see all comments so long but still, they are different opinions which let me understand how others think.. thanks ^^

kiddiemaru- yup, the worst part is the 3rd term abortion, for 7 to 9 months foetus. thats y, we should'nt waste our life, i mean not to commit suicide in every means even though one's life is harsh.

niwa- i agree bout what you said, depends on situation.

amy zai-- yup, its totally the morality problem. Not only buddhism, every religion should disagree with this what. Its no difference with murdering.

If its like "zi gong wai yun" then its really a different case what. as you said, either just kill the foetus or both of them die togehter.

the worst part of the video was the baby is "crashed" into pieces.
What do the xxx Americans think!!!
if you go search in wikipedia bout "abortion", u'll see the map for the legalised places for abortion, not much.

palican_ving- theres a touching story bout a woman who gave birth to a triplet but she can't manage to support their life because of financial problem, but a foreign couple promised they'll help them to raise them up.

by the way, i only know that you are a form five science stream kia, faster reveal your identity lar~ ^^

Evelyn- yup, raising up a child ain't that easy. education, living cost, illness(in case).and the side effects are terribly scary.

atom i'll agree for abortion for gals who pregnent because of being raped. Thats the worst and sad case.
But in the end, she'll be really hurt either physically or mentally.

kiDDiE said...

hell, why don't you try this...mutilated limbs.....a dismembered carcass....brain juice, blood, body fluids..simply squirting around....acid to kill it....damn!!i tell you that was definitely one of the worst things i've ever seen...

o and to starfish, palican_ving is actually from senior 3...6s5...ask for calvin pang....haha....

@coyin and palican_ving: come on...EVERY SINGLE LIFE, u can't deny, is VERY PRECIOUS(notice the emphasis)....
if the baby would be born with defects then of course abortion is the right choice....but think again....should this be done to a 9 month old foetus??

Again this rests on the shoulders of "morality" SHOULD this be done??this is a question without definite answers....

also, regarding the "triplets born out of accident but without sufficient funds" thing...yup it appeared in today's star paper...three siblings from the Kennedy family (they're Australians) were so touched by the story that they pledged to provide RM350 per month to this family until the triplets turn 18..

wat would have happened if the mother had undergone abortion??maybe contract cervical cancer and destroy three lives....i'm not saying that the babies will live happily ever after but i think no matter how the baby comes out to be there are always solutions to these problems...

whew~time to take a drink....tats too much in one post...

Anonymous said...

o.O abortion..
oni can use 1 sentence 2 express my thought..
5 mintues of pleasure..9 months of suffer..
so think carefully b4 u do..
btw..nice 2 meet u~

Anonymous said...

really scary...
too cruel for an unborn baby..
he dont ever do sumthing wrong
why they do tat
cant forgive those parent...

Anonymous said...

nice blog =D

Anonymous said...

real life makes no sense of morality...things can be on both side...depending on how u witnessed it...

Anonymous said...

that's so could they do tat....abortion should be illegal...

Anonymous said...

nice blog...i like it...keep u....

kiDDiE said...

i agree.......abortion really should be made illegal......

@sumyue: i told u so~

a KL dude said...

a girl that has been raped n get pregnant of course must be do u explain when the child ask about his father,that he's a rapist?
they r triplets,thats y they r a little famous than others.but quite gud luck to get a sponsor like that.yet there a only a few left in this planet.
a baby with defects can't be borned in this planet?in other words you're just saying that "we should send all those fat people to mars"

Shiaanx❤ said...

actually i quite agree with abortion....think...if there was a defective baby....wat would u think about

Shiaanx❤ said...

actually i quite agree with abortion....think...if there was a defective baby....wat would u think about

kiDDiE said...

its that"send fat people to mars" theory again.....people don't really care who does the abortions......but i still can't agree on totally contravenes with the balance of the ecosystem!!

a KL dude said...

balance of ecosystem=.=
in india its flooding human
we realy need less human being pop out right now

Anonymous said...

i prefer wad Kiddie say..

Oyico said...

On the issue of should defective(which include physically or mentally handicapped) babies(or rather, foetuses) be aborted, i take the stand on depending on the situation.

Yes. They have the right to live. Even though they might encounter more problems in life compared to 'normal' human being, they may still succeed in life. Appearance is not a problem at all. Who cares? only those who are immature and couldn't understand the true beauty of life will think they are ugly. Mentally handicapped people may need the help from others for the rest of their life. They may not marry like 'normal people', yet they might also live more wonderfully than the others.

IMHO, if the baby is bornt in a small family with an average income or above, of course, the parents can sacrifice some time and money or even a huge amount of effort to bring him or her up, raising him to live as normal as he could, and maybe creating a person who creates miracles in this world. Of course, if they chose abortion when they first realised that the baby is handicapped, it would be more a matter of being selfish and not wanting to put some effort for your own child, rather than for the greater good.

On the contrary, if a pair of poor couple already has more than 6 children, monthly income of less than RM1000, due to the lack of education or financial support they didn't practise birth control, and suddenly the mom found out that she's bearing a mentally retarded baby, the doctor offered her an option of abortion, should she choose to do it or against it? Ya, if she choose the latter, she saved a life. She saved a new life from being torn apart to death. A new baby is bornt, is showered with love by his family. Yet as she(let's say the baby's a female) grows up, nobody has the time to look after her at home. Her parents tried to send her to school to enjoy a life like everyone else but due to her defects, she is continuously being laughed at and her heart is scarred by her peers who have no knowledge of how to be nice to people. Later she was beaten and bullied in school. She was taken home and has to be tied up in her house for her own safety until her siblings come home. One night, several burglars came in and found her. Angered at her foolish look, non-stop dripping saliva and thinking that the girl is just playing stupid with them, they tortured her. What happened next need not be described anymore. Probably it wont be that serious. The girl grew up safely until both her parents died. Her siblings refused to take care of her. Lack of education, she had no choice but to wander around by herself in the streets, sleeping with beggars, playing with rats, snatching food with wild animals.

Should the mom give up on her at the first place? At least she would die more happily, wouldn't her?

Of course, such unfortunate cases do not happen very often. The percentage is only very small. The girl might be one of the lucky ones who found a sponsor to support her life and thus lead a very happy life ever after.

The problem is, should you let your child take the chance?

kiDDiE said...

very very good....i totally agree with coyin.....the truth, cruel though it may be, is right there.....should it be the child who should bear the consequences???think coyin said....there is no definite answer for this topic....yes..indeed the circumstances do play an important part in the fact it is an almost-as-important part of the decision-making as
the decision made itself...since it determines the decision made....
so wat im trying to emphasise as many lives as you can...but i beg of every one who has seen this post.....please....think before u do anything irrational....i noe of a fren who got his girlfriend pregnant at the young age of 22.....luckily his family was rich...and could afford to marry the girl.....if not....wat would have happened?another life lost....just for a moment of foolishness......

@starfish: i'm really sorry for destroying your post....really i am....pls let me make it up to u someday.....

.::Starfish::. said...

thanks coyin for providing more information somemore..

kiddiemaru, luckily u brought someone who posted a line that i love so much "real life makes no sense of morality".. or else... u better be careful next time i see u.. btw, i'm not so "small gas" de lar..

Anonymous said...

u guys cant be seriously discussing this here

Oyico said...

lol i just realised i miss josh's sarcastic replies A LOT!

.::Starfish::. said...

yahor.. finally there he is, josh~ miss ya lar~ ^^

Anonymous said...

i miss u guys too but seriously, abortion?

kiDDiE said...

lolxz...first blood awarded to josh....

and starfish...all those lines were written by me....just different people posted....