Friday, July 25, 2008


I've been get lost from my blog for over a week
due to my laziness run out of ideas..
and so.. the previous post have 29 comments =.="
but kinda nice to know how people think about abortion..
this topic is actually just to post few video clip
but i don't have the 1st part..
李娃传 part2
李娃:孟庆  书生:良淳 旁白:慧仪 Kalefeh:bihun, yaya, starfish, bear, woei chean, apple

李娃传 part3
书生:孝贤 旁白:玲慧、翠婷

李娃传 part4


Anonymous said...


kiDDiE said...

haha.......wat the heck is this??kinda lol-ish

TAkBOHONg/波汉 said...

i know hu is u know who m i!!
who noes?
wakakaka, spamming