Wednesday, October 20, 2010

life is hectic

recently, a lot of negative thinkings.

everything seems to makes me feels so stupid.

I'm stupid,
I'm not strong in language,
and sometime i find that i can't even understand a text.
i just somehow feels like i'm not suitable to be in this place.

I have no confidence,
in everything i do.

I hate people who comment on how i live.
You are a person who has no life is your problem.
don't talk in front of me, asking why i rather waste the time for a movie than a couple of readings. (not talking about my dear)

thanks for my dear's supports.
and Joanne's blog post.

This few weeks are hectic.
i have readings that i can't understand to read and present.
presentationssss.... group reports....
and the haze is so serious.


ChuiTing said...

jia you starfish!!! Of coz there will be negative thinking in our mind when we are stressed, dont say u are stupid..u are always better more than me...i face the same problems as you..even worse..Just try your best to improve yourself k?! JiaYou for your assignment and project!!!