Sunday, March 29, 2009


why are there people so uncivilised? spitting everywhere!
why are there people who don't use their brain when they park their car??
why are there people who simply throw rubbish!???
why are there so many people using air cons?
(my house don't use air cons since i have nose allergy and after we have a dog since 4years ago)
don't they know it causes more to global warming than switching on the lights? u self centered fellas! 
why is there still having earth hour if fellas out there dun even care to bother it?
why are there so many politic problems? or money is more important?
why are there so many rubbish movies which  is neither entertaining nor educational?
why my family members all separated till we seldom get to gather?
it will be even worst after i go study.. so.. guys who still  have family day, appreciate every single moment of it!
why? why?? why???
hundreds and thousands questions come into my mind..

and the last question is..
why am i having insomnia?!!!


joannechuen said...

Looks like u r having imsonia coz u got plenty of "why's".
hey pall, what happened currently that makes u got that "y's"?
for the last one that bout family de leh. mayb u havnt digest nicely. u cant stay with your parents always. if u feel sorry to live them at home after u go study. try to think further, r u going to stay with them after u get married? if u want i dun think your couple will like that too. so, dun think so much. leaving family is a happy process. your family might feel worry of u when u just left. but believe me, things will get better when time passes. rn't we human born with the ability of adaptive to the environment? cheers up pall ^^

Niwa said...

'cause u're why-ing too much

*~JuS+IcE~* said...

luckily i'm not one of the Ys' subject.....

.::Starfish::. said...

oooops.. bubbles, ur comment.. so long.. thanks for spending ur time.. btw.. its not that problem anymore.. cause nowadays malaysia very unsafe.. so mum prefer to kick me to singapore too...

niwa.. haha ^^

justice, you are one of them.. just i din list out.. why are you missing lately?

Shan said...

BUBBLES... Hey i finally saw u somewhere... Lemme view ur blog ler... haha

YayA said...

u can check the book ''shi2 wan4 ge4 wei4 shen3 me4''

MindTeaser said...

calm down ^^
they duno the seriousness of global warming which will lead us to death...
soon... the ice in north pole n south pole will melt...
then many island will sink...
then humans only noe they r dying -,-"

.::Starfish::. said...

yaya, i should make one..

mindteaser, haha.. that time all die together lor~

YayA said...

wow..mind teaser..i like ur idea!!n star,u really need to buy it..NOW!!muahaha XD

.::Starfish::. said...

no.. i'm not going to buy it.. but making one book of it.. wanna order one? haha ^^

*~JuS+IcE~* said...

coz u can't find me....

Amy 仔 said...

Why are there so many people who don;t focus on nice and good things in the world?

.::Starfish::. said...

hey amy, the way u ask kinda sarcastic.. do u mean me?

but i do really hate people using air-cons